Dr. Elise Castillo, the Ann Plato Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Educational Studies Program and the Public Policy & Law Program at Trinity College in 2019-20, presents her lecture on video, titled “What Kind of Progressive Education: The Case of Charter Schools.
Summary: What is “progressive education”? Can a charter school be progressive? In this lecture, Castillo will discuss different meanings of this phrase and draw upon case-study research of three New York City charter schools to illustrate how they defined it in terms of social efficiency, often at the expense of pedagogical and political progressivism.
The fellowship is named for Ann Plato, a 19th-century author and teacher of African American and Native American descent, who lived and wrote in Hartford. She was the second woman of color in the United States to publish a book, and the first to publish a book of essays and poems, titled Essays: Including Biographies and Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Poetry (1841).