Trinity students who complete their undergraduate degree may apply to a variety of post-bachelor’s teaching training programs, which operate with different models: alternate route, teacher residency, graduate school, or a combination of these. State-approved teacher preparation programs vary widely across the United States.

National-level programs


CT Department of Education, specifically Education Preparation Providers (EPPs) and Programs in Connecticut

Connecticut Alternate Route to Certification (ARC) Providers


MA Department of Education, specifically How to Become an Educator in Massachusetts and over 70 listings in the MA Educator Preparation Programs Directory. In addition, see direct links to these programs:

New Jersey

NJ Department of Education, specifically Teacher Preparation Programs

New York State

NY State Department of Education, specifically Pathways to Certification. See also direct links to these programs:


See Maryland Department of Education and links to specific programs:

Rhode Island

See Rhode Island Department of Education, specifically Getting Certified in RI and Educator Preparation Programs.

Washington, DC

See Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Directory of Approved Educator Preparation Programs