Submit Abstract
Abstract Deadline: Deadline Has Passed
JLTANE 2023 | Keynote | Registration | Conference Program |
We invite abstracts on topics related to Japanese language and culture education (e.g., linguistics, second language acquisition, pedagogical innovations, K-12 Japanese language education, heritage language education, literature, history, anime, pop culture, among others).
Presenters will have 25 minutes for their presentation followed by a 10-minute question and answer period.
Presentations will be live via Zoom.
Please note that we are not accepting prerecorded presentations.
Format of the abstract:
- Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf) format only.
- No more than 300 words in English or 700 characters in Japanese.
- File-naming instructions: Your name should not appear on the abstract itself (only the title and contents should appear on the abstract document). The filename of the document should be “(First name)(Last name)_abstract.File-type”.
- JamesSmith_abstract.doc; or
- JamesSmith_abstract.pdf
- Please note that an abstract should be written in the same language as the one used in the presentation.
- Submissions are limited to one abstract per person, as either single or joint author.
Format of the email:
Please use this subject line in your email: JLTANE36 Abstract
The body of your e-mail must contain the following information:
- Name(s) of the author(s)
- Affiliation
- Address
- Phone Number
- E-mail Address
- Title of the Presentation (Japanese presentation in both Japanese and English translation)
- Presentation Category
- Pedagogy (pre-college)
- Pedagogy (college)
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Other
Send your submission to [email protected]
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. (EST)