Moodle is the College’s course management platform. Information on getting started and completing common tasks is found in the Moodle Resource Center.
Additional tips on using Moodle:
- Padlet is a collaborative bulletin board tool that allows teachers and students to share ideas and resources. It has a wide range of functionality and can allow users to share comments, links, YouTube videos, files, images, etc. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a Padlet and how to embed it into a Moodle course […]
- Faculty may find it helpful to embed Google Slides directly into their Moodle course sites for students to use. This tutorial will explain how to embed a Google Slide presentation into a Moodle course site. Navigate to the google slide presentation you want to embed into your Moodle site. 2. Within Google Slides, click “File” […]
- Kaltura is designed as a streaming media platform, rather than a file sharing, or drop box system. However, there may be situations in which you want to make your video or audio recordings downloadable. This is possible in Kaltura, but requires a couple of extra steps. Note that you can only permit downloading of your […]
- Paste your link here. Include the full URL, including the http:// Copy the link below, or follow the instructions if you get an error. Alternately, you can use a Javascript bookmarklet to redirect yourself to a proxied version of the page you’re on. To set this up, create a new, blank bookmark in your Bookmarks […]
- On June 27 at noon, Information Services had an initial conversation about course packs. Here are some resources that were mentioned during that conversation: Stanford’s Copyright & Fair Use site, in particular the page on academic coursepacks SensusAccess (file converter for accessibility): (web annotation tool): (You can see in action in […]
See more tips from the Research, instruction Technology blog…
Moodle Tips for Students:
- Introduction While the frequency and amount of your participation in a Moodle discussion forum is determined by your professor, here are some helpful tips to consider to maximize your participation: Why Participate in a Discussion Forum? Don’t Lose Your Work!
- The Moodle courses are created by default as invisible to the students, and once the semester starts, the professors can (optionally) make the courses visible. If you cannot find the course you are enrolled in and that you think has
- 1) Click on the assignment for which you have to submit a media file. Click on “Add media submission”. 2) In the upper right corner click on “Add/Record New Media”. Select “Upload New Media”. 3) After the “Upload new media” opens, click “Choose a file to upload”.
- Go to the course where you must submit the assignment Click on the Assignment name as provided by the professor Click “Add Submission” Drag the file(s) to be submitted into the submission box Select the “save changes” option Submissions can
- Kaltura CaptureSpace is a lightweight desktop application from Kaltura that will record screencasts and presentations.
See more tips from the Student Technology Assistants blog…